Improving California’s Water Market

Water trading and banking are important tools that can help California bring its groundwater basins into balance by the early 2040s, as mandated by the 2014 Sustainable Water Management Act (SGMA). But the expansion of the state’s water market still faces some bottlenecks and stumbling blocks. PPIC Water Policy Center director Ellen Hanak presents on the center’s new research, and research fellow Andrew Ayres moderates a discussion with a panel of experts, including Stephanie Anagnoson, Madera County’s director of water and natural resources; Thaddeus L. Bettner, general manager of the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District; and Kathy Cortner, general manager of the Mojave Water Agency.


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Water accounting and trading platform workshop #1: Overview
This video by EDF demonstrates how California’s first open-source water accounting and trading platform works and its accounting, trading and scenario planning features.
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