Water & Environment Task Force: Underground Water Storage

Our speakers will describe how an innovative recycled water project with a massive underground storage conjunctive use project was able to obtain over $280 million in state funding, meet major ecosystem objectives, make a major contribution to statewide recycling goals, and help the groundwater basin meet its SGMA sustainability goals, even under extreme climate change scenarios.

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Managed Aquifer Recharge in California
Many states including California are using their groundwater faster than they can replace it -how can managing aquifer recharge help? This talk by Timothy Parker reviews the geoscience of managed aquifer recharge and how California is managing its groundwater storage. Presented by the American Geosciences Institute.
Recharged: Improving Freshwater Supply and Quality
University of Santa Cruz hydrogeologist Andrew Fisher leads a team of researchers looking for better ways to capture runoff and use it to not only increase groundwater quantity, but also quality. They are using the Pajaro Valley on the central California coast, a productive and valuable agriculture area, as their practical laboratory, working with farmers and water managers to recharge groundwater. Recharge net metering is a novel practice of crediting groundwater.
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